Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day 3: Citibank Hungary

Started the day with a presentation at Citi - Hungary.
Met with Batara Sinaturi, Country CEO for Citi. He provided a presentation on Citi and the challenges and wins of doing business inside Hungary and eastern Europe.

Mr. Sinaturi discussed what he believes are challenges globally over the next 12 months. He labels these as the collision of economic, political and regulatory challenges.

He also shared with us the themes in the emerging European banking system:
- Asset re-leveraging
- High level of liquidity
- Increase likelihood of asset quality stress
- Loss of absorption capacity

Mr. Sinaturi finished his presentation with the Global trends which will continue to change the banking landscape:
- Globalization, specifically the developing markets leveraging the emerging markets
- Urbanization, cities growing globally
- Digitalization, how technology will reshape and help to deliver to a larger audience

Good meeting, the cohort had a variety of questions in which Mr. Sinaturi did a good job of answering at a high level but never going into depth.

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